Psalm 138:2 NKJV
I will worship toward Your holy temple, And praise Your name For Your lovingkindness and Your truth; For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.
Did you know as the Justices stand before their desks at the beginning of each session of the United States Supreme Court, the crier opens with the invocation, "God save the United States and this Honorable Court”?31 Did you know that Moses and the Ten Commandments appear eight times in the United States Supreme Court building? The Ten Commandments are etched on the outer bronze doors of the Court. They are ornately carved into the inner oak doors of the Court. A frieze of Moses with the Ten Commandments faces the bench of the courtroom. Engraved in stone above the head of the chief justice are the Ten Commandments, under the protection of a great American eagle. On the outside upper rear fascia is Moses carved in stone, sitting, holding the two tablets of the Ten Commandments. And there are many such other works. Court ruling after court ruling acknowledges that religion has been closely identified with our history.
It is interesting that the Ten Commandments are placed in two separate places in the Supreme Court. One set is seen on the way into the court by all attendees. The other is facing the bench, visible to the chief justice. And it’s not just for the sake of décor. These timeless works of art defining God’s word were purposely placed in these unique positions by the early fathers to remind Justices that the God of the Bible is the Supreme Ruler of the universe and His Word is exalted above all things. It’s a reminder that regardless of the situation, regardless of the good or bad, regardless of what judgement should be had, God’s word reigns over all situations.
Psalm 18:2 tells us that God’s word is exalted above His name. Why did God do that? I believe it’s to demonstrate His unchangeable nature, to prove to us that His desire to bless us would not change. God exalted His word above His name. That’s why the Bible also says God is not a respecter of persons. Meaning, He doesn’t show partiality to anyone. He loves all of us the same and His promises to us are all yes and amen! God’s desire to bless you is unchangeable. His desire for your personal success is unchangeable. His word to us is unchangeable. We can lean on this unchangeable God. We can believe His promises unwaveringly because they are unchangeable.
The sky is the limit with God. The question is, how far do you want to go? What needs to be changed in your life? Maybe it’s time to ask ourselves if we’ve exalted our situation above His word. I challenge you to keep the unchangeable promises of God before you like our founders did.
Action steps
- Read - Re-read Psalm 138:2
- Think - In what way do you give prominence to God’s Word in your daily life?
- Write - Put in your own words today’s scripture. What is it saying to you?
- Pray - Our faith in Jesus is the only way we have right-standing with God. Thank God for this unchangeable desire to bless you today.
- Take away - The more we exalt God’s word in our life, the more we will recognize our identity in Christ Jesus, the more we'll walk in the freedom we've been given. Feelings of unworthiness that have held us back from pursuing our destinies will diminish. We are more than conquerors through Christ and we have access to peace!
“He who made all men hath made the truths necessary to human happiness obvious to all…Our forefathers opened the Bible to all.”