Hebrews 10:35 NKJV
Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.
The majority of the fifty-six men who signed the Declaration of Independence didn’t have a happy ever after ending. Five were captured by the British as traitors. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Seventeen lost their fortunes. One witnessed the British army destroy his fleet of merchant ships. One told General Washington to open fire on his home where General Cornwallis and his British troops were stationed. Nine of the fifty-six fought and died from wounds or the hardships of the Revolutionary War.35
The fifty-six signers were men of means, who were both educated and God-fearing. Twenty-four were lawyers, 15 were merchants, 10 were farmers and large plantation owners, 3 were physicians, 2 were scientists, and 2 were ministers. They signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if captured. These men had security, but they valued liberty more. Unwaveringly, they pledged:
"For the support of this declaration, with the firm reliance on the protection of the Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."36
The fifty-six signers laid it all on the line. They were tired of tyranny and pursued the notion of freedom for all men. Yet, I’m certain they were tempted to cast their confidence aside in the quest of freedom. I’m certain there were nights the fight wasoverwhelming; going without food and water. Certainly, they witnessed their brothers killed and apprehended by their adversaries. The hope they had for freedom was repeatedly tested. Thoughts of giving up must have bombarded their minds. But they stood firm and we are enjoying the fruit of their sacrifice.
It’s easy to cast away your confidence when you’re facing a trial. Maybe you’ve lost your job and the pressure is mounting. Perhaps your home is in foreclosure. Maybe you have a bad report from your doctor. It leads to wondering why this is happening and when will it be over. Does God even care? Yes He does! So much so, He sent His only Son to die for you. So whatever you’re facing, I want to encourage you, like our founders, don’t cast your confidence aside. Hebrews 10:35 promises us that if we don’t, we will receive the reward.
I’m not suggesting you lay it all on the line to the extent our founders did, but why not lay it all on the line trusting God with your situation? We all have the habit of seeking everywhere else for our answers first. When those resources run out, then we might try God. Instead, let’s go all the way with God this time. Boldly spend time in the word today. Find scriptures that relate to your situation. Study them. Pray them. Thank God for helping you to get through the situation. Take steps following his lead. Don’t cast your confidence aside, but press on with God and get the reward He promised.
Action steps
- Read - Re-read Hebrews 10:35.
- Think - Are you surrounded by people who share your same core values? Do you encourage each other when life brings challenges?
- Write - Describe the character of someone you would go to for counsel. How are you cultivating those character traits within yourself?
- Pray - Ask God to help you develop godly relationships; to strengthen relationships you currently have that are profitable for you.
- Take away - As Christ followers, God's character is in us (see Galatians 5:22-23); we just need to cultivate it. Jesus is the embodiment of these fruits of the spirit.
“Let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers just men who will rule in the fear of God.”